Buyer Beware!

I pondered over posting this and then I thought well, I would want to know if I were them. Word came out today about a new scrapbook company created by ex LPers. They are saying they are not affiliated with LP, but hello, everyone who has signed up was with them. So, you figure it out. Also, before I would hand my money over to these people I would be very careful! There were allegations about one of them and I wouldn ‘t trust them with my money. Also, why does everyone think the grass is greener on the other side? If you want manipulation, greed and then some, this will be a great company for you. The only thing they got right was that you need to sell to make a DIRECT SALES company work! It will be very interesting to see where this goes. I am just so glad that I chose a company with ethics, a strong foundation and a GREAT product!! Okay, enough of that!