I am SO excited. I am having a thank you card class on Monday and it is FULL! I actually have to add a second date. I LOVE meeting new people and watching them work with the stamps. The coolest thing is there are 3 sets of mother/daughter teams coming. I LOVE that I can offer an activity that can keep families connected, not to mention the GREAT stress relief it offers!
This week was busy with 2 hostess clubs and a birthday party for Savana. It was too hard to do something in May for her ( her actual bday 5/5) But it worked out great. She had a few friends sleep over in the tent in the backyard and of course did the s’more thing and it was SO FUN! I am still exhausted. The best part was how they embraced Sofie and included her in everything. They played flashlight tag and had a blast! Those moments that I sit back and watch the girls like that are just some of my most gratifying ones.
Oh my goodness those are cute!!!
I am glad to have found your blog. Great job!
I have an award for you on my blog: http://iamahappystamper.blogspot.com/