It’s the Scrapbooking Trifecta!

When 3 of the biggest powerhouses in the memory keeping industry come under one company, Youngevity the best way to describe it, is hitting the trifecta of the scrapbooking world!




Over the last month I have been listening to Team Lisa training calls and the excitement is bubbling as the launch of Lisa Bearnson’s exclusive line, Anthology is just about a month away!

So, I have come to the conclusion that basically this is hitting the Scrapbooking Trifecta! I am not a gambler. Recently I was in Vegas and did not even pull a handle on a slot machine.  However, if I was this would be the hitting the jackpot! Glad to know I only put down $25 on this one. That’s all it took for me and now YOU, to join this powerful team.

Youngevity already provides powerful products that restore health and promote vitality and a very generous compensation plan.

Now they will have an entire “Memory Keeping Division” with Lisa Bearnson at the helm as Creative Ambassador.  Watch her video here.  She is passionate as ever about scrapbooking and paper crafting!
But how did all of this happen?  So, here’s how it went down.

Youngevity purchased Heritage Makers,(a digital scrapbookingwendy-mcgee-square company that specializes in photo gifts and storybooks) in 2013.  Along with that came Wendy McGee, co-founder of Heritage Makers. Who is so fun and full of energy! We had a great chat, just the other day.

Rhonda-AndersonShortly after, Wendy brought on Rhonda Anderson who founded Creative Memories in 1987 and recently founded Our Memories for Life. This line is a little more reminiscent of CM.  Tools, adhesives, coverlets, refill pages and all the things CM lovers have missed.  Plus some NEW stuff of course!

Then Wendy brought Lisa Bearnson in to create an exlcusive line of memory keeping products, Anthology. Her role is not just a designer, but she is building a team of distributors to help her sell her line.   This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

In the next few weeks this is going to BLOW UP the social media scene and the scrapbooking world! You, yeah, YOU reading this right now, have a choice to make.



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Either way, we are going to have a blast doing something we love together!  If you have any questions, please ask me! I had a ton and was super apprehensive. You can read that story here.
Contact me and I’ll gladly walk you through it over the phone Smile

Until Next Time-
Be Blessed!


Youngevity is now the best source for your memory keeping products, training, and support community, which also results in the best Direct Sales/Network Marketing business opportunity available!