Never Been MORE desperate to Scrap!

I am sick and I am tired!!!!! All I want to do is scrapbook and get ready for my trip to Philly!! But I am not feeling well. After trips to the doctor and bloodwork and xrays, there isn’t a clear answer. I am just glad the pain has subsided.

Anyway, who wants to hear that junk!! I was supposed to be in BEAUTIFUL Door county this weekend teaching and I had to cancel! We have rescheduled for July, but it broke my heart to have to post pone it!!

So, I am doing all I can to get better for the trip to leadership. I can’t wait to see Rex and Katrina! You could not find a better team to work with. I can’t wait to see the NEW PRODUCT!! Katrina is an amazing designer! I’ll be sure to post pictures as soon as I have them!
