Taking a Breather…We Started Intensive In-Home Therapy!!

I have about 2 minutes to take a breath here so I can write. We started in home intensive therapy with Sofie this month. Now I know why they call it intensive! It is definitely crazy when you have at least 2-3 people here working with her. Right now the line therapists are getting trained by the senior so that is why it is a bit crazy. Starting next week it should calm a bit with only one person here with her. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. I actually feel guilty that my child gets these amazing services. EVERY child who has autism should have this opportunity. It is just not fair!

She is making progress already. She is talking SO much more. So, I know this is the right road for her. They have about 13 programs going right now. It is so interesting how it is all coming together.

Again, if I didn’t work from home, I don’t know how I would manage all of this. Thank God for this awesome opportunity Close to my Heart affords me.
