Good Bye May- Hello JUNE!

I will be so excited to see June 1st on the calendar. May was a pretty wild month that ended with my in-laws in town, a sprained ankle and a BIG combined birthday party for the girls. We had a blast but I am ready for quieter days.
I am sad to say goodbye to the blooms on my crab apple tree and my lilacs.

But I am willing to trade that for lazy days with kids off of school, softball games and Savana’s famous snow cones! Oh and my kids classes. They always inspire me so!

June also means a NEW Stamp of the Month and a FUN BLOG HOP! What is a blog hop? On June 1st I will be linking my blog with 45 other AWESOME CTMH consultants to offer you a chance to see all of the great things that you can do with the June Stamp of the Month: Tender Tags (featured in the picture above).
Be sure to visit me that day to see the super fun Thanks card that I created with that set and a pattern from our brand new Wishes book. You will be SO inspired! I can’t wait!