The Little Things…

The little things don’t mean a lot, they mean everything. I heard that on the radio yesterday.  It was in regard to Haiti and what people can do to help.  It also made me think about little things I could do or have been done that have made me feel good.

A great example is this super cute cookie I received recently at the Power Luncheon for the Chamber of Commerce.  I am entering my first year as a director on the board and I was welcomed with a cookie.

Isn’t it the cutest?  If you look close enough you can see it is a suit case, as the person who gave it to me owns a travel agency.  She had them made at a local bakery in town, Slice.  Slice has been getting alot of buzz lately in my circles. You should check them out too. Sofie spent some tooth fairy money there and got cookies for all of us. Delicious!
So, back to little things, I made nugget tents for my open house attendees.  They loved them and plan on making them too.I got this awesome idea from Melissa.  She is so creative and always willing to share. 
This is the card that my customers made. They really fell in love with the Togetherness set You can find it on pg. 15 of the Spring Idea Book.
Side view of the nugget tent
So, it doesn’t always have to break the bank to be special or make someone feel appreciated.  I hope you are thinking of all the little things you can do for your loved ones, co-workers or maybe a stranger.   My little thing for today was leaving my quarter in the cart at Aldi. I am thinking it put a smile on someone’s face.  I challenge you to do little things too and then come back and post it in the comments section

Until Then-

One thought on “The Little Things…

  1. Little things don't always have to be for someone. Try picking up some trash left by someone else or wishing a good friend good luck on the morning she starts a new job!

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