Live Today Scrapboook Layout

It is so fun to explore new paper packs. That is why I love our Workshops on the Go.  I am always forced out of my comfort zone.  I have 2 girls so why would I scrapbook with a paper pack that so screams masculine?  I am so glad I did! I found the perfect pictures of them at a Kid’s Zone event a few years ago and a little bit of perspective.

Yes, I too am not caught up on my scrapbooks! (GASP!!)



For a long time it has been very painful to look at these pictures. There is Sofie, a capable, inquisitive, curious little girl who about a year later was diagnosed with Autism.  It is here that all I can see is that  Autism stole my little girl.
But I am forced to look beyond that as I read the title of the layout, Live Today. That is all any of us can do. It doesn’t pay to look back and long for yesterday.  Scrapbooking has helped me freeze THAT moment in time and appreciate it for what it was. A day out with my girls.  I wish I could remember what that felt like so I could write about it.  Trying to make that up now, with the barrage of feelings I have on a daily basis is a challenge.  That is why journaling is so important.
The here and now, the today.
So, the name of the paper pack is quite fitting, Lucky. I feel lucky that I had to search for those photos and was given the ability to embrace that time instead of mourn it.

Here are two of the cards I created following the pattern provided in the kit.