Wedding Album in Studio J Digital Scrapbooking

I love living in a small town and working with other small businesses.  I met Kathy Kohl of
KK Photography in Wind Lake a few years ago.  We always wanted to exlpore how we could partner up with photography and scrapbooking. Then Studio J presented itself .  Now we have a match made in heaven.  Wedding heaven to be exact.

Here is a sample album I made for her.  She gave me the most incredible photos to work with. I used several different paper packs, changed colors of papers and flipped around layouts.  With the ability to do all of those things I was able to create cohesion in the book. It is a very simple book that really showcases the photos and tells a story of their day. 

Thanks for looking!  Want to try this yourself.  Head over to Studio J right now and start playing with your own photos for free!  If you have any questions, I am always happy to help.