13 Years Old and Full of Personality-Teen Scrapbook Layout

This is so fitting since today is my daughter, Savana’s 13th birthday. I know, your thinking, wow! she looks way too young to have a teenager (laughing hysterically at my joke).  I have a birthday tradition with my girls.  I do a little impromptu photo shoot in the yard.  I do this for a couple reasons; one, she is never crabby in the morning on her birthday and she always looks extra cute. 

Here is the layout that I did at Studio J Bootcamp. We got the finished projects today and I was so pleased with the colors and the clarity.

The technique we learned was making your own pattern paper with my stickease. We used the same prinicples as if we had random stamped it, with flourishes and flowers hanging over the edge.
Can you believe that I created this layout with these paper choices?

Are you a bit confused? In this awesome Studio J program you can change paper colors.  The only color I kept was the chocolate.  If you look closely you can see the flourishes and flowers I used. I call this “automagical”  I really can’t wait to start teachning you all this EASY and FUN program.

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