Announcing Exciting Changes! Creative Cottage Designs

I will probably sound like I am rambling, so if you can stick with me that would be great! I have been writing this blog post in my head for weeks!  As you know, my husband Scott, just retired from the Army National Guard with 20 years of service. This has been a wonderful change for our family. It is so refreshing to have him home physically and mentally!

We also just celebrated 10 years of living in our 1903 farmhouse. When we first moved in our time was spent painting, remodeling, antiquing, gardening and embracing farmhouse living. Then it quickly turned to our new baby, Sofie and raising our little family. Then Scott went off to war, Sofie was dual diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. We were just keeping our heads above water trying to keep her safe in her daily living.

Do not get me wrong. We were beyond blessed to eventually get 25 hours a week of in-home intensive therapy for Sofie. However, that alone presented us with new challenges each day. We started to feel like we were living in a bubble. The only time we really left home was to work. That is why he was so committed to helping me create the cottage. He knew it would save my sanity. Lets just say it was a step in the right direction. Ha!

Even with all of his support I was still so overwhelmed.  One day last fall when things slowed down I  remember sitting there thinking “what did I do before scrapbooking and Autism”. As it seemed they had both consumed me. I felt like I was losing myself along the way as I was just going through the motions.

That is also about the time I realized I needed some help. I just could not keep living in over drive and be the best Mom and Me that I knew God was calling me to be. I needed to make a change.  I started seeing my own therapist almost a year ago and it is the best thing I ever could have done. Through this process I learned a lot about the importance of taking care of myself . I also realized that what was ultimately holding me back was my own ADHD (imagine that!), depression and anxiety. They presented themselves in so many different ways and had permeated my life. I was exhausted from all of it and couldn’t keep living that way. As I started to work on myself little by little I was starting to see things a lot more clearly. I was embracing my life and just becoming more aware in general.

. One day I came across the Nate Berkus Show and he was talking about little things you could do on a budget from decorating to fashion.  As I watched the families he brought on talking openly about their challenges in these lean times I could relate. I loved when he showed a curbside find and what he did with it. It reminded me of the things we loved to do before life threw us a curve ball. We enjoyed going to thrift stores and Goodwill shopping, curb side picking, antiquing, rummaging and all that good stuff. I have always loved to take someone else’s trash and turn it into a treasure. Nate reminded me of my love for country and cottage living and my home again. He made being “thrifty very tres’ chic. I was inspired to get back to my old roots.

So where do you start? Goodwill of course!

Me, Trudy and Joanne

Yes, we actually did get crazy looks when we asked someone to take our picture. But that is nothing new!

I found some treasures that fit my house perfectly. It had been YEARS since I thought of my home.  (Besides just cleaning up after Sofie and her tornadic activity in every room).. A very pivotol moment for me was the day I removed the last child lock on a cabinet. After 8 years of nothing on my tables and very minimalistic decorating I felt liberated!  It was time to “wake up” our house.

Having a friend like Trudy made it very easy. I don’t know many people who light up at the word paint. (That is one chore my husband does not enjoy hates.) 

Savana had been begging for a new look. So, she got it!

Picking colors was easy as looking at our CTMH cardstock swatches. 

Matter of fact we chose PEAR for the walls and accented in Lagoon, Gypsy and black.

  You get the picture right? I was reminded that Design principles are the same whether you are decorating a room or a scrapbook page!

If you have ever done a project like this then you know it is much like the experience of giving birth!  Even though you swear you will never do this again, as soon as the blood, sweat and tears pain is over and you look at your new baby room with so much admiration you forget all of the anguish you went through and only see the end result.  So, yeah, your crazy enough to do it again!!

Then you also know once you get bit by that bug, it’s hard to stop. Everything I saw could be painted, fixed and repurposed. I was seeing everything could be made new again. Including my life! Through paint, paper and fabric my friends and myself unlocked a world of hidden potential, talent and empowerment.

It was essentially the  $2 chairs and $5 tables that changed everything.

I guess you could say my hubby got roped in by default when we showed up with a van full of furniture and then proceeded to take over the workshop.  I could tell once he started getting involved (with power tools of course) he was having fun.  After all he was surrounded by cute, fun women girls who liked to laugh and joke around. A little bit different from what he was used to. We were starting to also feel like we were getting back to our old selves. He was pulling out his This Old House magazines and showing us ideas. He had pride written all over his face when he made a couple spice racks out of barn wood and pallets. When one of them actually sold at a flea market, he was IN!

We even stopped at a barn Sale on the way to his aunts one day and did a family pick! Ahhh, that reminded me of the good ol’ days!

We both really loved this sled. No, we don’t know what we are going to do with it.

I have always wanted my husband to be more involved in my business, but getting him to scrapbook was out of the question. However, cutting wood for blocks and signs, that’s a different story. It was perfect timing since he just retired. It gave us something to do together.

Seeing the potential of what we could do together, I had to find a way that that we could combine my Close to my Heart and Willow House businesses with this new found passion. I was also confusing people with thinking I was a store. It was time to gather it and tie it together with one big bow!

Thus Creative Cottage Designs was born.

Sharing our passion for family, home and life!

 I will always be Blessed Scrapper. It is what has driven me these past 6 years. Along this journey myself and my family have changed, grown and evolved. Naturally my business has too. I am excited to partner up with my family and start offering a variety of services and custom work.

Custom made vinyl decals and signs.
Home Décor
Painted furniture
Photography Props
Custom invitations
Custom Party Theme Packs
Paper Arts
Unique gifts
D.I.Y. Classes
Cricut Classes
Scrapbooking and Stamping (of course)
Digital Scrapbooking
And many things I haven’t thought about yet. *wink.

All of this fits in so well with my goals of simplifying my life. By “housing” my love for home, family and life under one name I am hoping to offer our tips and ideas on all sorts of things. I have loved having you on this journey with us. I hope you will continue to learn and grow with us.

You can start by visiting and liking our New Facebook Page. There will be different photo albums for each area of expertise and interest. I hope you too will see how creativity can pour over into every area of your life. From crafting, decorating, entertaining and organizing to everyday tips that we encounter along the way. Eventually this will be the only business page we update, so go now!!/pages/Creative-Cottage-Designs/214901085232615?sk=wall

Please note, over the next couple months you will see changes being made to my blog, newsletter and web address to reflect this new “marriage”

We’ll see you there!

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