Blue Ribbon Scrapbook Layout w/ CTMH’s Flip Flaps!

I received a really wonderful call last week from a great friend and customer, Annette.  She had a great success and was thanking me. How sweet and thoughtful!
A couple years ago we hosted a Creative Escape Retreat.  We taught some really great ways to add more pictures to a scrapbook layout with our awesome pocket pages.
Recently, she adapted that technique and used it on a super adorable 1st Birthday Layout of her grandson.  So, last week she entered it in the Walworth County Fair and earned a BLUE RIBBON! I was like a proud Mama. My family and I were at the fair a few days later. I was so excited to see it on display and of course I had to take pictures!



I am so happy for her and truly touched that she thanked me for my help! That’s what it is all about! Helping others succeed! We all have gifts and talents to share. So, what is your talent? Do you share it? How? I would love to know!!