Keep Calm and Craft ON at Christmas Time!

(Here’s a brief recap of how I spent my last several weeks of 2012 and how I survived!)
So, what’s a girl to do when a week before Thanksgiving…….
Your refrigerator goes and hubby buys one that won’t be delivered for 10 days!!
You have no refrigerator and company coming for the weekend?
Then your washing machine dies?
You turn 41!
You realize you are driving around with no break lights and can’t get them fixed for another week….
Then your Aunt and Uncle announce they are moving back from Arkansas with 91 yr old Grandma, (Ma) because they bought a house in the area.  See you in a week!
Don’t forget, in the meantime you have a Christmas Concert, meals, laundry and then Christmas is truly right around the corner! I bet you can totally relate right???
Well, YOU KEEP CALM AND CRAFT ON!!!!!! Here are a few of my crafty endeavors for Dec.

We had so much fun at our Crafty Cousin’s Night. Some made scarf tree skirts, window projects, cards, ornaments. My cousin, Lisa made some beautiful fresh swags with greenery from my back yard. Sofie even hung out with us! We are scheduling another one in January for Valentine’s crafts

There were also crafts that I made with my my kid’s Arts and Crafts class.  And these yummy treats for the teachers!

Crafting truly kept me sane at a very CRAZY time! How about you? Did you use crafts as a stress reliever over the holidays? Did it work? Leave me a comment and tell me about it!! I’d love to hear your story!
Let’s chat again soon!
Until then- Keep Calm and Craft On!!