Say Happy Spring With Bobble Head Easter Crafts

 Saying Happy “Spring” with an Easter Craft and FREE Patterns 
to help you make your own!

 I saw a version of this in Family Fun Magazine.  They showed how to make your spring and then it dawned on me that I finally knew what to do with our adhesive springs!

Watch my video below to see What goodies I have in my tray AND what I am going to make with them. I promise it’s super cute and you don’t want to miss it!

Can you guess what I am making by looking at my crafting tray?

Want to know how I made them, watch this tutorial!

Super quick tutorial on the Easter Bobble Head Craft

Thanks for watching! Here are the patterns. I am teaching this to my arts and crafts class so that’s why there are multiples. I think any teacher will appreciate this!

Bobble Head Bunny Pattern
Bobble Head Chicky Pattern
Shop now for adhesive springs!

Now, I would love to see your creations so be sure to link back!