Could You Use a Cricut Rescue?- The Story of the Cricut Cape


Awesome! Then I am your girl!  I even have a cape!

Cricut Rescue-pic
What? Yep, you heard me right.  Well, I casually mentioned in blog post the other day that I threw on my Cricut cape and went to work.  I was amused by that thought. Laughing out loud My imagination took me to a huge room where you could hear the chirping of the machines… music to my ears.  But then that sweet sound gave way to groans and grumbles as people struggled with their Cricut machines.  They were in such despair… Not knowing what all those buttons were for…how to clean a mat or even better, get it sticky again.

(I have been known to look like this a time or two when I was trying to figure it all out.  Just ask my husband)

I pictured myself coming to their rescue! So many people have told me I should teach a Cricut class. I could see it now…STOP! Step away from the machine! I am here to save the day my crafty capers!

But wait! I need a cape!

Well, that snapped me right back to reality. I quickly texted my best friend and crafty girl, Trudy. Forgetting it was 8 am on a Saturday. Sleepy smile
Me: I need a Cricut Cape!!!
Me: With ruffles and trimmed in polka dots.
Trudy: What kind of ruffles? Any Colors?
Not, “what the freak do you need a Cricut Cape for?” That was until the phone rang.  It was Trudy. She thought I meant a cover for my Cricut ( she makes those and they are awesome!!) So, I told her my story and of course it all made sense to her!

 “Oh yeah, you need a cape!”
That’s why I LOVE HER! No judging, just giggling away and crafting a plan.  I was so looking forward to seeing her in a few weeks, with or without a cape. LOL!  So, she rolled up all ready to rock it out at Close to my Heart’s Regionals Celebration in Chicago.  Guess what she brought with her?? Capes for us!

OH MY! It was hard to wait, but we did. When Regionals came to an end we had to show them to everyone.  We caused quite a stir but that isn’t unusual! My ideas and her mad skills make us quite the pair!
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Here we are the Cricut Crusaders also known as “Cricut Craft-Savers”.
It’s really hard to get a good picture when your natural tendency while wearing a cape is
to fly around the room!
See, even our Close to my Heart VPs, Monica and Kristine had some fun with it!

(Seriously?! Where else can grown women act like this? That’s why I LOVE my Close to my Heart family!)
Of course Trudy cut it all out on the Cricut. Right down to the dimensional bow which she cut out of fabric using the Cricut Artiste Cartridge! Of course, you have to have some bling!! SO CUTE! That girl is beyond talented! Wouldn’t you agree?

So, now that I have a cape and I ain’t afraid to use it  Let me save you!
Leave me some Cricut love in the comment section and let me know I am not crazy. Or tell me I am and I am okay with that too!
Would you wear this cape??

And, I am off to save the crafting world..One Cricut at a time! Chirp Chirp!… see, I can’t stop!!
Blogger Labels: fabric on Cricut,Chicago Regionals Celebration,Close to my Heart,Cricut,Rescue,cape,Craft,,fabric,Artiste Cartridge,,Class

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