Kindness is Free Spread the Word!

Get your kindness is free tshirt today

So, here it is! My new project and it comes with a story. Thank you for letting me share with you.

I was sitting in talk therapy, AKA the chair at the hair salon. The conversation turned to school and and my daughter Sofie. Who many of you know has ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder. At the time she was struggling as I was recovering from elbow surgery. Sofie and I were both frustrated with the lack of my mobility.

Unfortunately, her frustration was coming out in behaviors that were unusual and uncharacteristic of her. My frustration came out of my mouth. Shear Styles by JoyBell has been doing my hair for years and this is usually where I spill my guts out.
I said something to the effect of how I wasn’t asking for anyone at school to give Sofie special treatment or go out of their way for her. I was asking for some kindness. After all, kindness is free. I stopped in mid sentence and declared that I was going to make a t-shirt with that on it. We agreed it was an important message. Joy, my beloved hair stylist said she would buy one and so did her coworker next to her. Now I was in trouble.. I had to actually do it.
Creating is usually cathartic for me and this project was extra special. As it turned out they loved their shirts and encouraged me to share it with you. You can order your shirt in my shop by clicking here.

“No matter our background, economic status or level of education we can all agree that Kindness is Free.  It doesn’t cost us a thing to smile or offer a kind word. Yet, that very gesture can brighten one’s day or even change their lives. Let’s not keep it to ourselves.”